Results for 'Maria Alexandrescu Vianu'

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  1.  9
    Aphrodites orientales dans le bassin du Pont-Euxin.Maria Alexandrescu Vianu - 1997 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 121 (1):15-32.
    This paper analyses the successive waves of penetration of oriental goddesses, assimilated to Aphrodite, by Greeks coming from the Near East (Syria, Phoenicia) to the Greek colonies on the Black Sea. The first stage, that of the cuit of Syrian Aphrodite, is assigned to the 6th c. BC in the Greek towns of Olbia, Berezan and perhaps Istros. In the 4th c. a second wave arrived, chiefly in the Kingdom of the Bosphorus, which introduced the cuit of Aphrodite Ourania. The (...)
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  2. ALEXANDRESCU Vlad and Robert THEIS (eds): Nature et Surnaturel.Vlad Alexandrescu (ed.) - 2010 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms.
    Depuis Kant, les philosophes ont appris à parler, avec prudence, du surnaturel et de sa relation avec la nature. En général le surnaturel n’est meme pas reconnu comme faisant partie de la philosophie. La situation n’aurait pu être plus différente aux XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles, lorsque les philosophes comprenaient la relation entre Dieu et le monde comme l’un des problèmes les plus importants que la philosophie fût censée résoudre. Les solutions étaient bien sûr extrêmement diverses : Spinoza niera même que l’on puisse (...)
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  3. Regius and Gassendi on the Human Soul.Vlad Alexandrescu - 2013 - Intellectual History Review 23 (2):433-452.
    Reshaping the neo-Aristotelian doctrines about the human soul was Descartes’s most spectacular enterprise, which gave birth to some of the sharpest debates in the Republic of Letters. Neverthe- less, it was certainly Descartes’s intention, as already expressed in the Discours de la méthode, to show that his new metaphysics could be supplemented with experimental research in the field of medicine and the conservation of life. It is no surprise then that several natural philosophers and doctors, such as Henricus Regius from (...)
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  4. Descartes and Pascal on the eucharist.Vlad Alexandrescu - 2007 - Perspectives on Science 15 (4):434-449.
    Within Descartes' philosophy, the problem of the Eucharist provides scholars the occasion to investigate a nexus of questions belonging to different domains of his thought. In taking up this problem, about which there has been much written in the past few decades , I hope first of all to discern some order in the texts themselves, as well also as in their various interpretations, and then, from there, to propose a new perspective.
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    Les deux manuscrits de L’Art de persuader de Pascal.Vlad Alexandrescu - 2024 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 13 (1):9-41.
    This study analyses the manuscript tradition of Pascal's work now known as De l'art de persuader and offers a historical, textual and conceptual criticism of the decisions that led to the privileging of one source (the P' manuscript) over another (the M manuscript and the D printed version) in the editorial history of the text. On the basis of this critique, the author formulates new genetic hypotheses and justifies the probity of the M copy for the establishment of the text (...)
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    Delia Popa, Emmanuel Levinas, Les aventures de l'economie subjective et son ouverture a l'alterite/ The adventures of the subjective economy and its opening towards alterity.Vianu Muresan - 2007 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 6 (16):159-168.
    Delia Popa, Emmanuel Levinas, Les aventures de l’economie subjective et son ouverture a l’alterite (Eemmanuel Levinas, The adventures of the subjective economy and its opening towards alterity) Lumen Publishing House, Iasi, 2007.
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    „Între” arhivã si diagramã sau cunoasterea ca practicã a puterii/ „Between" Archive and Diagram or the Knowledge as Practice of Power.Vianu Muresan - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (10):150-165.
    Taking into consideration the concepts of „knowledge” and „power”, whose correlation authored the very idea of modernity, this study on Foucault traces their evolution through two cultural patterns: the archive and the diagram. A world picture can be constructed only by making appeal to the archives of knowledge. In every historical moment the structure and the quality of the archive actuate the initiatives of power, that is, the play of forces between actors, institutions, centres of decision in society, and between (...)
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    Vasile Frãteanu, Tratat de metafizicã/ Treatise of Metaphysics.Vianu Muresan - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (5):209-214.
    Vasile Frãteanu, Tratat de metafizicã Editura Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 2002.
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  9. Ästhetische Studien.Tudor Vianu - 1972 - Bukarest,: Univers.
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    Estetica.Tudor Vianu & George Gană - 1968 - București : Editura pentru literatură,:
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  11. (1 other version)Estetica.Tudor Vianu & Ion Ianosi - 1968 - București : Editura pentru literatură,: Editura Pentru Literatura.
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  12. L'intellect divin et l'intellect humain selon maître Eckhart.Stefan Vianu - 2000 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 132 (3):223-237.
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    La doctrine érigènienne des Causes primordiales.Ştefan Vianu - 2003 - Chôra 1:129-160.
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  14. Postume.Tudor Vianu - 1966 - București,: Editura pentru Literatură Universală.
    Istoria ideii de geniu.--Simbolul artistic.--Tezele unei filozofii a operei.
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  15. Postume.Tudor Vianu & Ion Ianosi - 1966 - București,: Editura pentru Literatură Universală.
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  16. [no title].C. -G. Alexandrescu, C. Gugl & B. Kainrath - unknown
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    A Project in the Semantic Analysis of the Characters in William Faulkner’s Work.Sorin Alexandrescu - 1971 - Semiotica 4 (1).
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    Apatie sau individualism?(Apathie of individualisme?).A. D. S. Alexandrescu - 1995 - Dilema 130:10.
  19.  13
    Criza criticii literare.A. D. S. Alexandrescu - forthcoming - Dilema.
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  20. Esthetica en semiotiek.Sorin Alexandrescu - 1993 - In Maarten van Nierop, Renée van de Vall & Albert van der Schoot, Mooie dingen: over de esthetica van het object. Meppel: Boom Koninklijke Uitgevers.
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    Guliver sub semnul tranzitiei.A. D. S. Alexandrescu - 1997 - Dilema 20:10-10.
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    Not as natural as it seems: the social history of the environment in American sociology.Filip M. Alexandrescu - 2009 - History of the Human Sciences 22 (5):47-80.
    This article argues against Catton and Dunlap’s claims that the natural environment has been ignored or downplayed in American sociology before the emergence of environmental sociology in the 1970s. By reviewing a collection of 86 sociology textbooks between 1894 and 1980, the article provides quantitative evidence regarding the scope and types of references to the natural environment in mainstream sociology. The bulk of the article is based on an interpretive-historical analysis of the different representations of the environment in the textbook (...)
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  23. Nature et Surnaturel: Philosophies de la Nature et Métaphysique aux XVIe-XVIIIe siècles.Vlad Alexandrescu & Robert Theis (eds.) - 2010 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
    Depuis Kant, les philosophes ont appris à parler, avec prudence, du surnaturel et de sa relation avec la nature. En général le surnaturel n’est même pas reconnu comme faisant partie de la philosophie. La situation n’aurait pu être plus différente aux XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles, lorsque les philosophes comprenaient la relation entre Dieu et le monde comme l’un des problèmes les plus importants que la philosophie fût censé résoudre. Les solutions étaient bien sûr extrêmement diverses : Spinoza niera même que l’on puisse (...)
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  24. Pentru un mai grabnic sfirsit al canonului estetic.A. D. S. Alexandrescu - 1997 - Dilema 24:9-9.
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    Saying and believing.S. Alexandrescu - 1983 - In Herman Parret, On Believing. De la Croyance. Epistemological and Semiotic Approaches. De Gruyter. pp. 16-30.
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    Musicians in ancient coroplastic art - (A.) bellia, (c.) Marconi (edd.) Musicians in ancient coroplastic art. Iconography, ritual contexts, and functions. (Telestes 2.) pp. 216, ills. Pisa and Rome: Fabrizio Serra editore, 2016. Paper, €48. Isbn: 978-88-8147-458-5. [REVIEW]C. -G. Alexandrescu - 2019 - The Classical Review 69 (2):592-594.
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    Sotiras.Alexandre Avram, Nathan Badoud, Emilian Alexandrescu, Lionel Fadin, Tony Kozelj, Antal Lukacs, Vlad Nistor, Cécile Rocheron & Gilles Sintès - 2014 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 138 (2):662-665.
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  28. Toward a Decolonial Feminism.Marìa Lugones - 2010 - Hypatia 25 (4):742-759.
    In “Heterosexualism and the Colonial/Modern Gender System” (Lugones 2007), I proposed to read the relation between the colonizer and the colonized in terms of gender, race, and sexuality. By this I did not mean to add a gendered reading and a racial reading to the already understood colonial relations. Rather I proposed a rereading of modern capitalist colonial modernity itself. This is because the colonial imposition of gender cuts across questions of ecology, economics, government, relations with the spirit world, and (...)
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    On the unusual effectiveness of logic in computer science.Joseph Y. Halpern, Robert Harper, Neil Immerman, Phokion G. Kolaitis, Moshe Y. Vardi & Victor Vianu - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (2):213-236.
    In 1960, E. P. Wigner, a joint winner of the 1963 Nobel Prize for Physics, published a paper titled On the Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences [61]. This paper can be construed as an examination and affirmation of Galileo's tenet that “The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics”. To this effect, Wigner presented a large number of examples that demonstrate the effectiveness of mathematics in accurately describing physical phenomena. Wigner viewed these examples as (...)
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  30. A Philosophical Introduction to Probability.Maria Carla Galavotti - 2005 - CSLI Publications.
    Not limited to merely mathematics, probability has a rich and controversial philosophical aspect. _A Philosophical Introduction to Probability_ showcases lesser-known philosophical notions of probability and explores the debate over their interpretations. Galavotti traces the history of probability and its mathematical properties and then discusses various philosophical positions on probability, from the Pierre Simon de Laplace's “classical” interpretation of probability to the logical interpretation proposed by John Maynard Keynes. This book is a valuable resource for students in philosophy and mathematics and (...)
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  31. Topical Referents for Individuals and Possibilities.Maria Bittner - 2001 - In Rachel Hastings, Brendan Jackson & Zsófia Zvolensky, Proceedings from SALT XI. CLC.
    Partee (1973) noted anaphoric parallels between English tenses and pronouns. Since then these parallels have been analyzed in terms of type-neutral principles of discourse anaphora. Recently, Stone (1997) extended the anaphoric parallel to English modals. In this paper I extend the story to languages of other types. This evidence also shows that centering parallels are even more detailed than previously recognized. Based on this evidence, I propose a semantic representation language (Logic of Change with Centered Worlds), in which the observed (...)
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    Argumentation as a Bridge Between Metaphor and Reasoning.Maria Rossi, Elisabetta Gola & Francesca Ervas - 2018 - In Sarah Bigi & Fabrizio Macagno, Argumentation and Language — Linguistic, Cognitive and Discursive Explorations. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    The aim of this chapter is to explore the relationship between metaphor and reasoning, by claiming that argumentation might act as a bridge between metaphor and reasoning. Firstly, the chapter introduces metaphor as a framing strategy through which some relevant properties of a source domain are selected to understand a target domain. The mapping of properties from the source to the target domain implicitly forces the interpreter to consider the target from a specific perspective. Secondly, the chapter presents metaphor as (...)
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    Investigating joint attention mechanisms through spoken human–robot interaction.Maria Staudte & Matthew W. Crocker - 2011 - Cognition 120 (2):268-291.
  34. Darwinian Creativity and Memetics.Maria Kronfeldner - 2011 - Acumen Publishing.
    The book examines how Darwinism has been used to explain novelty and change in culture through the Darwinian approach to creativity and the theory of memes. The first claims that creativity is based on a Darwinian process of blind variation and selection, while the latter claims that culture is based on and explained by units - memes - that are similar to genes. Both theories try to describe and explain mind and culture by applying Darwinism by way of analogies. Kronfeldner (...)
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    Contempt and disgust: the emotions of disrespect.Maria Miceli & Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2018 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 48 (2):205-229.
    Contempt and disgust share a number of features which distinguish them from other hostile emotions: they both present two distinct facets—a nonmoral facet and a moral one; they both imply a negative evaluation of the dispositional kind as well as disrespect towards the target of the feeling; and they trigger avoidance and exclusion action tendencies. However, while sharing a common core, contempt and disgust are in our view distinct emotions, qualified by different cognitive-motivational features. Contempt is felt exclusively towards human (...)
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    From vulnerable subjects to research partners: a critical policy analysis of biomedical research ethics guidelines and regulations.Maria Cristina Murano - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (3):539-558.
    Over the last three quarters of a century, international guidelines and regulations have undergone significant changes in how children are problematised as participants in biomedical research. While early guidelines enacted children as vulnerable subjects with diminished autonomy and in need of special protection, beginning in the early 2000s, international regulatory frameworks defined the paediatric population as vulnerable due to unaddressed public health needs. More recently, ethical recommendations have promoted the active engagement of minors as research partners. In this paper, I (...)
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    Ethical issues experienced by intensive care unit nurses in everyday practice.Maria I. D. Fernandes & Isabel M. P. B. Moreira - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (1):0969733012452683.
    This research aims to identify the ethical issues perceived by intensive care nurses in their everyday practice. It also aims to understand why these situations were considered an ethical issue and what interventions/strategies have been or are expected to be developed so as to minimize them. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview with 15 nurses working at polyvalent intensive care units in 4 Portuguese hospitals, who were selected by the homogenization of multiple samples. The qualitative content analysis identified end-of-life (...)
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  38. Interpreting concealed questions.Maria Aloni & Floris Roelofsen - 2011 - Linguistics and Philosophy 34 (5):443-478.
    Concealed questions are determiner phrases that are naturally paraphrased as embedded questions (e.g., John knows the capital of Italy ≈ John knows what the capital of Italy is). This paper offers a novel account of the interpretation of concealed questions, which assumes that an entity-denoting expression α may be type-shifted into an expression ?z.P(α), where P is a contextually determined property, and z ranges over a contextually determined domain of individual concepts. Different resolutions of P and the domain of z (...)
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    Business Schools at the Crossroads? A Trip Back from Sparta to Athens.Maria Jose Murcia, Hector O. Rocha & Julian Birkinshaw - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (2):579-591.
    Some business schools have come under considerable criticism for what observers see as their complicit involvement in the corporate scandals and financial crises of the last 15 years. Much of the discussion about changes that schools might undertake has been focused on curriculum issues. However, revisiting the curriculum does not get at the root cause of the problem. Instead, it might create a new challenge: the risk of decoupling the discussion of the curriculum from broader issues of institutional purpose. In (...)
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  40. Ian Hacking's Proposal for the Distinction between Natural and Social Sciences.María Laura Martínez - 2009 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 39 (2):212-234.
    This article explores the proposal offered by Ian Hacking for the distinction between natural and social sciences—a proposal that he has defined from the outset as complex and different from the traditional ones. Our objective is not only to present the path followed by Hacking’s distinction, but also to determine if it constitutes a novelty or not. For this purpose, we deemed it necessary to briefly introduce the core notions Hacking uses to establish his strategic approach to social sciences, under (...)
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    Vulnerability, therapeutic misconception and informed consent: is there a need for special treatment of pregnant women in fetus-regarding clinical trials?Maria Kreszentia Sheppard - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (2):127-131.
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  42. Timing of the earliest ERP correlate of visual awareness.Maria Wilenius & Antti Revonsuo - 2007 - Psychophysiology 44 (5):703-710.
  43. (1 other version)Reasons for action and practical reasoning.Maria Alvarez - 2010 - Ratio 23 (4):355-373.
    This paper seeks a better understanding of the elements of practical reasoning: premises and conclusion. It argues that the premises of practical reasoning do not normally include statements such as ‘I want to ϕ’; that the reasoning in practical reasoning is the same as in theoretical reasoning and that what makes it practical is, first, that the point of the relevant reasoning is given by the goal that the reasoner seeks to realize by means of that reasoning and the subsequent (...)
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  44. The Structural Determination of Case and Agreement.Maria Bittner & Ken Hale - 1996 - Linguistic Inquiry 27 (1):1–68.
    We analyze Case in terms of independent constraints on syntactic structures — namely, the Projection Principle (inherent Case), the ECP (marked structural Case), and the theory of extended projections (the nominative, a Caseless nominal projection). The resulting theory accounts for (1) the government constraint on Case assignment, (2) all major Case systems (accusative, ergative, active, three-way, and split), (3) Case alternations (passive, antipassive, and ECM), and (4) the Case of nominal possessors. Structural Case may correlate with pronominal agreement because the (...)
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    The Concept of Umwelt Overlap and its Application to Cooperative Action in Multi-Agent Systems.Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira & Miguel Gama Caldas - 2013 - Biosemiotics 6 (3):497-514.
    The present paper stems from the biosemiotic modelling of individual artificial cognition proposed by Ferreira and Caldas (2012) but goes further by introducing the concept of Umwelt Overlap. The introduction of this concept is of fundamental importance making the present model closer to natural cognition. In fact cognition can only be viewed as a purely individual phenomenon for analytical purposes. In nature it always involves the crisscrossing of the spheres of action of those sharing the same environmental bubble. Plus, the (...)
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    University of California, San Diego, March 20–23, 1999.Julia F. Knight, Steffen Lempp, Toniann Pitassi, Hans Schoutens, Simon Thomas, Victor Vianu & Jindrich Zapletal - 1999 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5 (3).
  47. The Proactive Synergy Between Action Observation and Execution in the Acquisition of New Motor Skills.Maria Chiara Bazzini, Arturo Nuara, Emilia Scalona, Doriana De Marco, Giacomo Rizzolatti, Pietro Avanzini & Maddalena Fabbri-Destro - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:793849.
    Motor learning can be defined as a process that leads to relatively permanent changes in motor behavior through repeated interactions with the environment. Different strategies can be adopted to achieve motor learning: movements can be overtly practiced leading to an amelioration of motor performance; alternatively, covert strategies (e.g., action observation) can promote neuroplastic changes in the motor system even in the absence of real movement execution. However, whether a training regularly alternating action observation and execution (i.e., Action Observation Training, AOT) (...)
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  48. Word Order and Incremental Update.Maria Bittner - 2003 - In Proceedings from CLS 39-1. CLS.
    The central claim of this paper is that surface-faithful word-by-word update is feasible and desirable, even in languages where word order is supposedly free. As a first step, in sections 1 and 2, I review an argument from Bittner 2001a that semantic composition is not a static process, as in PTQ, but rather a species of anaphoric bridging. But in that case the context-setting role of word order should extend from cross-sentential discourse anaphora to sentence-internal anaphoric composition. This can be (...)
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    A Virtual Reality Simulation of Drug Users’ Everyday Life: The Effect of Supported Sensorimotor Contingencies on Empathy.Maria Christofi, Despina Michael-Grigoriou & Christos Kyrlitsias - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  50. Imperio y causalidad en Tomás de Aquino.María Teresa Enríquez Gómez & Jorge Martín Montoya Camacho - 2021 - Scientia et Fides 9 (1):329-355.
    Ante ciertos modelos causales del agente libre inspirados en Tomás de Aquino, resulta interesante atender al modelo causal presentado por Tomás mismo, especialmente en un texto a partir del cual se puede rastrear la exposición de la acción libre como el efecto de los cuatro sentidos causales aristotélicos. Se trata de la cuestión sobre los actos imperados (ST I–II, q. 17); en cuyos primeros cuatro artículos –y en sus textos paralelos– determina que la voluntad es causa agente; la razón práctica, (...)
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